How much CBD is right for you? Learn the facts about dosing.

How much CBD is right for you? Learn the facts about dosing.

So many have come to believe in the benefits of CBD as a natural alternative to dealing with chronic pain, anxiety and depression, sleep disorders, smoking cessation and other issues affecting their health. But given that the hemp-derived compound is most commonly available in a liquid tincture form, people often ask the same question—how much do I take?

Tinctures like those available from Nature’s Highway can feature different concentrations—meaning that some contain more CBD than others. Each 30 milliliter bottle of Nature's Highway tincture contains a concentration of CBD clearly displayed on the bottle; for example, one bottle can have a concentration of 2,500 milligrams of CBD, or 1,500 milligrams of CBD. The concentrations are different because each customer’s body is different, and there’s no one amount that works for everyone.

But there are a few constants: each bottle comes with a dropper that features hash marks representing a graduated scale from .3 to 1 milliliter. Servings should be taken on a spoon to keep the dropper clean, and placed under the tongue for 60 to 90 seconds to improve absorption. And when not in use, tinctures should ideally be stored in a cool, dry place, which extends shelf life. If you refrigerate it, shake it up before use, because the tincture can separate.

But how much to take? Read on.

Do the math

The higher the concentration, the more CBD you’re getting in each bottle—and by extension, in each serving. To measure how many milligrams of CBD are in a dose, simply divide the amount of tincture in the dropper (between .25 and 1 milliliters) by the concentration (milligrams of CBD per milliliter) of the tincture.

Using a standard 30 milliliter bottle, that means a tincture concentration of 2,500 milligrams would yield 30 one-milliliter doses each containing 83.3 milligrams of CBD. A concentration of 1,500 milligrams would yield 30 doses each containing 50 milligrams of CBD; a 1,000-milligram concentration, 30 doses each containing 33.3 milligrams of CBD; a 500-milligram concentration, 30 does each containing 16.6 milligrams of CBD; all the way down to a 150-milligram concentration yielding 5 milligrams of CBD in each dose.

The amount of CBD taken also varies by how much liquid is in the dropper; while a full 1 milliliter dropper of tincture will deliver a dose of 83.3 milligrams of CBD, using a half a dropper will deliver 41.6 milligrams of CBD, and a quarter dropper will deliver 20.8 milligrams of CBD. The strength of the concentration, and the amount in the dropper, all depend on the individual person’s body weight and body chemistry, and the reason they’re using CBD.

Given that CBD has been legal in the United States for only a short time — it was given the green light by the federal Farm Bill in late 2018 — scientists are still looking into how certain conditions are impacted by specific doses of the compound. A 2019 University of Colorado study, for instance, gave 47 adults suffering from anxiety 25 milligrams per day, and found that CBD displayed promise as a tool for reducing anxiety.

Start low and build up

When beginning a CBD regimen, the recommendation is to start low — both in terms of concentration and serving size — and build up, keeping track of how your body handles it. The process can take time and patience; experts advise to take the same amount for a set period of time, and build up until you receive the desired effect.

An overdose is unlikely. Researchers at the Creighton University School of Medicine and Mayo Clinic found that various CBD doses were well-tolerated by the body for time periods ranging from four weeks to six months. Meanwhile, a 2017 German study said the safety of CBD had been “established in a plethora of ways,” although it also acknowledged that additional clinical trials were still needed to gain further knowledge of the compound.

CBD has been known to cause side effects like dry mouth, low blood pressure, lightheadedness and drowsiness. And because CBD interacts with an enzyme in the liver, anyone taking medication that warns against eating grapefruit should consult a physician first. But it won’t induce a high — unlike its cannabis cousin marijuana, it doesn’t contain the psychotropic compound THC. And while the industry remains largely unregulated, responsible retailers like Nature’s Highway ensure purity by overseeing every step of the production process.

CBD oil is also not a cure, although many users suffering from a variety of different maladies testify to finding relief through the product. According to the Creighton/Mayo study, CBD therapies offer promise in the areas of pain relief and addiction management, while the German study found that the compound reduced anxiety and arthritis symptoms in laboratory rats. So start slow, and take some time to find the right dose that works for you.

What Are You Waiting For? Find out more about our tincture products below!

Please consult with a doctor prior to use.

In keeping with FDA regulations, Nature’s Highway does not make specific claims,​ but encourages customers to seek out more information about usage and benefits from trusted third-party sources.

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